Thursday 11 June 2015

Why not tell him yes!

What do you know about surgeon in the parking lot? I'm not talking about struggling to start a car you parked two hours ago, and on getting back, it refuses to start. I'm talking about, running into this charming beauty that has rendered you completely breathless and all you're left to do is just walk up to her and say "hi" only to find out that she was also falling like you are doing too.
Do you know what that is called in my own personal dictionary? "Magnopulsy" which is simply derived from two words, magnet and pulse. Its not far from norm to have reciprocal instant attraction, most times, even when it occurs, the ladies wait for the men to make the pass first.
 Absurdity is when you let him do the whole talking, selfishness is when you play that regular everyday line "let me think about it" emotional blindfold is when you shot it out completely without considering what it was like at that first sight, Regret is when you later find out that he is truly a gentle man, but you might be a bit late because he is taken, oooh! What a loss!
We shunt out our emotions and our chance at love sometimes mainly for soul searching and also to create a bit of space for us to get focused on our living struggles and head-ways, some times we even shot it out because we thought we needed a breather to recover from the devastation of loosing a false love.
Giving love a chance should not be timed because you don't know the perfect time that true love would come calling, it may be the time you are focussed on your humanity, it might be the time you are recovering from an ailment on the hospital bed, while you where hitch hiking or better still, while you where recovering for a severe post bad-relationship trauma. Believe me, it can't be timed, it doesn't matter what your out fit is like at the time, it strikes like thunder bolts and if the cupid's arrow happens to lunch simultaneously into you both's love ember, you are hooked, and don't fight it, tell him yes and believe me, the risk would be worth taking.

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