Tuesday, 26 May 2015


The anger that accompanies broken promises should never be allowed to boil over the top, we are a country, we are a people, we are Nigerians, all the fars about our states, local governments and our villages of origin are a complete hugwash when it comes to the issue of common national interest, the shape of hunger in Bayelsa is not different from that in Borno or Sokoto, its not also different from that in plateau or kwara, polarisation is our doom, they are no two ways about it. Safe heaven for the greed of this politicians does nothing but birth hell for the rest of us the ordinary, the unending promise of a better life and the routine failure on their part, if taken to heart can drive a sane man bizarre, it is a routine, they fail as they promise, powerless we are rendered, novice we are seen to be, at the slightest opportunity, lies are played to our ears like the african gong-ho, don't take this to heart if you want to live long, I'm only trying to trigger that rebellious part of your mind that can go dark and live your mouth no choice but say "enough is enough" Like the 80's classic by the whispers "and the beat goes on" so does their lies, so does the darkness and so does the hope and the saying "e go better" this popular saying in Nigeria was inherited by us from our fathers, if we slumber about and not do anything about it, believe me, it shall be inherited by the next generation and the one to follow, by this it includes mine and your children, My own side of the story might be different from yours but it leads us to our only and ever known destination, the sidelines, it is called poverty, it is called frustration, joblessness, black out, unfair living and injustice, we are seen as the peasants and they belong in the elites, their beat of lies and prejudice never ends, the show of shame called the Nigeria politics is equivalent to dancing naked in the market place, the approach is bound by unholiness and uncautious no holes bared battle, every thing (both carrots and stones) are thrown in the cause of the context, carrots are for those willing to eat and the stones are thrown at the disgruntled, its either you are for the carrots or the stones, there are no in-betweens. Blessed remains the name of the God that created Nigerians, we thank him for overdosing us with patience and tolerance, we thank him for granting us some loftilly sound shock absorbers, we thank him for mixing us with the recipe called "flexi" Nigerians can bend when it curves, we get slim when it thickens, and we can flex our muscles when its thin, if not for this attributes, human cruelty is in huge supplies in Nigeria, if you are not killed you might self-destruct, don't give up my people for the death of "E GO BETTER" is near, support GMB for he is the change By Yakubu O Yakubu Online political and social activist Based in Abuja Nigeria Follow me on twitter @yakey85

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