In truth, love is under-exercised, undervalued and underperformed. The wheel of humanity is set in motion with issues, predicaments and consequences. In as much as we don't like to be at the receiving end, issues are made with our existence. Imagine life without problems to solve, without the need to look for food, it would have been one boring hell of existence. Humanity has always learned to adapt to whatever nature confronts it with, but as reasoning creatures, the onus is on us to strike a balance. Attack our issues with the weapon called love. It is like the antidote created by nature to ease our pains, incase we are overpowered by this same issue which is a recipe that keeps us engaged as humans. Yes love it is. With love in your heart, to help others that are pressed with issues becomes normal. to break the yolk of the devilish extremism and sociopathism that rocks the world beyond the basic issues of human existence can easily be achieved. with love in your heart, you see solutions where others see's problems. You'll become foster parents and role models to the lost children. You'll be concerned by the rage of the depressed, support the aggrieved and save the oppressed. you'll share in the shame of the failure and victory of humanity. You'll become a gospel that instigates ballads and rhymes for the voices of the future generation. You'll become a voice for the side-lined and the marginalised. You'll be seen as the positive reality to the negatively twisted. You'll be the everything to the nothings. Pleas world, Love it is.
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