Wednesday, 24 June 2015

PROJECT FAME; rubbing peter to pay paul.

The sound of it is so appealing, who wouldn't like to be famous? To perform in front of a cheering crowd bearing in mind that some other millions of people are away from the studio cheering you on too, as you do what you love doing best. Music is a game of fame, and any up and coming musical artist needs this important recipe to lay claim to success. So is the story of millions of unemployed youths in Nigeria, They develop different kinds of natural inbuilt talents they can find (even a drop of it) in themselves. They struggle through thicks and thins to make this talent saleable, to also create an outreach to their targeted fans and get paid in return, that is the way to be famous and successful. So many would say; what was I thinking writing this piece? But I don't regret it one bit. This episode of the ongoing project fame auditioning registration process is one of the most fraudulent induction process I have ever seen in the history of television talent hunt series, In my opinion, the process is a huge scam. First off, the hopeful young artist would sing to an automated voice prompt that randomly choose which line to send a code to, and a hundred naira is charged per one of this process. This process, if unsuccessful, is expected to be repeated again and again until a code is sent. A hundred naira is charged per session of this process and you might end up spending a minimum of 1000 naira, trying to get to audition for the programme in which you are not even sure of making it through. Lies of creating a better life for young Nigerians through this fraudulent process seem to me like taking advantage of the high level of unemployment the country suffers at the moment. Out of millions that gets to try their luck, only 15 people would make it to the house and also stand a chance of gaining from the whole process. This process, to me I can't call a service to the society, I call fraud and gimmicks to enrich the organisations and a few well branded established musicians that partakes in the process. Call it paranoia, I don talk my own. They are rubbing peter to pay paul and also enrich themselves.

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