Friday 19 June 2015

Sarcasms and its gains in relationships

Its imperative to note that, sarcastic people are socially highly intelligent kinds, with the ability to turn depressive scenarios and situations into humour. All one needs to do is understand the underlying meanings, not just the direct translation. Sarcastic people are healthy to have around, better still, have as your better half. The most salient amongst the numerous advantages is that, the humours that follows the perfect understanding of sarcasm is healthy for relationships to hang on for longer, ladies get more attracted to guys that are naturally humorous, believe it or not, any comic statement is built on sarcasm as a foundation. The sense of attachment grows more clingy if yours is the kind of person that understands sarcasm as your spouses bad habit and you have to learn to enjoy by flowing with the humorous tides. Sarcasm is leverage, sarcasm is detective and sarcasm is relieving. Sarcastic people are highly intelligent, so beware, when trying to play that fast one on that your sarcastic spouse, because he is a lies detector machine made flesh. Your con or your verbal manoeuvring can easily be detected, prompting that element of distrust, in return, strain your relationship. Sarcastic people are always secured, running out of option as a result of been out-smarted is not their fear. The brain of a sarcastic person is twice or more times sharper and calculative than your average normal brains, your sarcastic spouse is your security against been caught flat-footed in any context, they can smell bulshit from a distance. Solutions are created with problems, that's how fast they calculate, it is proven in the ways they answers a telling question with humorous and fitting answers. when caught in a corner, they answer questions with question, Sarcasm replies bulshit with bulshit. Sarcasm should be appreciated, because with it, there's never a dull moment. Ladies would complain on how their boy friends would bore them to sleep. believe me, it is a deal breaker to most of this ladies, been sarcastic creates humour and that is an added advantage to keep that your boo coming back.

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